All the freeways in Portland have Gardens on them. so tight

Mikey brought us to Holden so we could take a photo for a pretty interesting king snow article.

It was my first time being to the Holden office

Its pretty radical in there. Ive always been a fan.

Eve and Louif came around.

This is what it looked like being in the hot seat.

Grabbed some lunch.

This is in the middle of downtown?

this too. All on our walk to lunch.

when we got back Mikey was up next.

Here Mike showed us the biggest rip off of all time. Thats his coat on the right from 2007. Thats Walmarts coat on the left from 2010


The next do i cruised up to Government Camp at the base of Mt. Hood.

Harrsion swingin for the fences.

Jave was nice enough to let me stay at the Salomon Snowboards house. Thanks dudes. Will Bateman, Scotty Arnold, Harrison Gordon, and Forest Bailey were a few of the house regulars.

flat ground carpet benni

The river.


We went and skated Windells new park. It might be the best park ive ever skated. Forest back tail

Will Front tail

Forest 5-0

Forest up and in

best park

Forest boardslide

then we realized Wills sweater could do this.

Lance and Miked showed up.

Javas sick cork cruiser.

Bryan Fox and his classy whip. On our way up the mtn on the first day of the Videograss Session at High Cascade.

The Diggers run the show up there

Grendys and Fox. I dont think i took any snowboard photos the whole week. Just to much fun to take out the camera.

Darrell and will throwin darts at some Vag in the Salomon house.

VG bitch.

Scott Stevens backside beanplant.

bateman step off wallie.

One night we had an epic bonfire.

I like this photo.


Darrel going BIG in the superpipe.

the Hakkers love B-ball. so they organized a game. All your favourite pros were there.

Hi-Def Jeff goin fast on the last day.
Im in Winnipeg now. So this blog will become almost entirely skate specific.